Email Sourcer Your Own Contact Collection Engine
email sourcer screenshot
What they say of OutWit Products:
  • Love it. It's simple: I am saving at least 15mn every single weekday thanks to you. (Paul G., Manchester)
  • I have been involved in IT support and development for over 30 years, and I have not come across a product I can commend as highly as Outwit Hub. It is a superb tool, great value with exceptional support. It is a delight to be able to liaise directly with the development team instead of the modern trendy multi-tiered help desk systems. Keep up the good work! (Dr Alan Burns BSc PhD CEng MBCS CITP, UK)
  • OutWit Hub is an amazing and powerful piece of software. After spending some painful hours manually copying-and-pasting contact information from the web for the small company I work at, I sought an automated solution. I don't think I, or my company, could be happier with the time OutWit Hub is saving us! (Nate G., North Port, FL)
  • Just want to thank you very much for your great products. Outwit Hub opens up a wide new range of possibilities. It is straightforward and does what it promises. Congrats !! (Ignasi, A. Madrid)
  • WOW ! What a fantastic upgrade [v3.0 beta]. So cool. I really like that you can now directly see just how the exported data will look. Also, it's a lot easier to see what is going on with the info window on the top right. I did not think it was possible to improve perfection but you did it.. Thank you so much for creating this ! Sincerely(Peter, N. Copenhagen)
  • What can I say guys you've done it again!! Just as I'm ready to send you a list of suggestions you release an update that deals with all of them AND more. I haven't even looked at the standalone yet!! Keep up all the good work you are truly setting the bar for cutting edge browser design. And Linux support too now....;) nice! (Clive, B. Bournemouth, UK)
  • CNET editors' review: It's not often that the applications that we review really impress us, and that's especially true of browser extensions. Our reactions typically range from, "That's kind of cool," to, "This is totally worthless." OutWit Hub is one of the few Firefox add-ons that really wowed us. This innovative extension lets you effortlessly collect images, links, e-mail addresses, and much more from any Web site you choose. We can't say we've ever seen anything like it… (CNET Staff,
  • Congratulations on version 2.x
    I loved the tutorial being stepped through in tandem of outwit being updated in front of me. Great job! (Dean H., Dallas)
  • What can I say guys you've done it again!! Just as I'm ready to send you a list of suggestions you release an update that deals with all of them AND more. I haven't even looked at the standalone yet!! Keep up all the good work you are truly setting the bar for cutting edge browser design. And Linux support too....;) nice! (D.B., Bournemouth)
  • I have been using your excellent product for over a year. Sifting through raw data used to be time-consuming drudgery. Now I am hopping on my computer excited to get into what Outwit has transformed into sport for me. It's like I am off to the hunt! I qualify for a discount, but I am intentionally dismissing that option since you guys have an incredible product and the best customer service I have ever experienced. I am honored to pay the Rack Rate.(Joe B., San Antonio)
  • ...I am so glad I purchased your program. It is working beautifully and helping me so much in my research. Thank you! (Barbara C., Lubbock)
  • ...great work, brilliant product, keep up the goood work.... (Hofer F., Hannover)
  • Many thanks. I'm building a database designed for web marketing and SEO and your tool is invaluable for getting the data. (D.B., Bournemouth)
  • Awesome, thank you SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The software REALLY does ROCK!!!!!!! I am AMAZED with the level of details and features. (Jake.R., Atlanta)
  • ..I am immensely happy with your product. It is a fantastic tool and I wonder how I've managed to do without in the past!... (Dieter.B., Guetersloh)
  • Hi Outwit! Great to see you realease v1.0. I've written before that I think your product is fabulous... (S.R., Berkeley)
  • Hi,I would just like to say that I’m VERY pleased with the Outwit Hub product. After some initial hurdles (while the product was in Beta and I've got GREAT and timely support!), I managed to automate a lot of my web data gathering, saving me weeks of work every year. In addition, it enabled me to do things I couldn’t even consider before. Because of all my tests and experiments with this and other alternatives since last Summer...
  • ... I can say that at this point: the Outwit Hub product is a much better and simpler to use than any of its competitors, and is the best investment I have made in the last few years! I know you guys working on it have a lot of work and are working on improvements I’m still looking for, so THANK YOU guys, keep on the GREAT work ! Thanks A LOT (Daniel Y., Kanata)
  • Thank you for creating such an amazing piece of equipment! (Aram D., Oklahoma City)
  • Well I am open mouthed and slack jawed, I have purchased more than my fair share of programs online over the years and this is the first time I have had such instant positive effort by the company selling the product. Well done friend... Whomever set up your company to have someone at the email desk for such prompt replies is 100% on the right track for sales and marketing. Thank you, and those responsible. Deepest Respects. (KW, South Daytona Beach)
  • ... You guys are great and Outwit is the best! (Aaron F., Newport Beach)
  • LOVE Outwit Hub! Thank you (Charlie M., Springfield,MO)
  • Big THANK YOU! Guys, This is probably the most awesome and useful piece of software I've been using for a long time. And most certainly this was the best 30 euro investment in last 10 years or so :) It allows me to do thinks I would not think possible and I am still finding new uses. Saved my ass actually with some urgent project I though was lost... Nick
    PS. I NEVER write such mails to software vendors normally - for you I made an exception;)(Nick W., Warsaw)
  • Great product, will buy it immediately once version 1.0 becomes available and recommend it to everybody. (Henk C., Utrecht)
  • ... Many thanks for your time. And truly I am so grateful for this program, you rock! (Dave H., Portland)
  • I love this program... I have been using various different auto image downloaders and some websites add extra security and restrictions to catch and stop those auto downloaders (these are websites I pay registration for) but outwit works like a CHARM. (John T., Atlanta)
  • ... The program is great. So intuitive and easy to use, i just hope others in my industry dont find out about it so i can keep the upper hand. thanks. (Anderson S., Los Angeles)
  • Sweet Baby Jesus, I love this product. do you know what a goldmine this is for research dorks? You guys rule, and really should be accepting donations or something from the adoring world of the Internet. BEST PRODUCT EVER. (Carey L., Washington)
  • ... I have used your product extensively and we spoke about participation in your Beta. Over this summer 2010 I have pulled around 2-3 million lines of data from various API’s, product/images/web searches, nearly every pay per click website around, who-is databases, and various competitors websites. I have refined my scrapes to the point it’s what I use them exclusively along with your macro & job scheduling systems and have learned the art of making the scripts fast...
  • ...My serial expired today. I can’t live without my Outwit and am having withdrawals. ;) (...) help me continue using this amazing (seriously i love it) product. By the way I have tested M..., a paid service extensively and a few other well known (yet inferior IMO) products. I hope you're excited....You should be honored to have developed one of the best online business tools around to date. (Brandon W., SF)
  • ...I would also like to congratulate you on the quality of your tool, I tested several tools and Outwit Hub is in my opinion the best one ! Keep it up… (Olivier H., Paris)
  • ...Oh and just got my million records in like 3 hours on 1 pc...nice macro scraper. (Steve S., Saratosa)
  • I thank you for this great tool, it was propably the first time I've actually paid for an application and am truly sure I didn't over-pay. P.S. Do you need a Polish translation for OutWit? I could make one if you are interested... Cheers,
    Satisfied customer (G. H., Thorn)

Email Sourcer Light is free and operational, but truncates the extracted data after ten rows. When purchasing the full version, you will receive a key to remove these limitations and unlock all features. .

Email Sourcer explores Web pages for you, automatically looking for email addresses and contact information.

Email Sourcer analyzes the textual content of pages and documents to recognize email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses and more. Navigating from page to page automatically, it extracts contact information and exports it in the most common formats.

Are you a recruiter looking for candidates? Are you seeking a job, needing human resource contacts in a list of corporations? Do you have a message to send to government officials? Do you want to address a specific business sector for your latest product launch? The Internet is full of open and legitimate sources of contact information for your sourcing researches. The Web, however, is pretty large and your initial enthusiasm may wane a little after your 700th click:
Email Sourcer never gets tired of looking.

A Powerful Tool For Everyone

With the simplest of interfaces (Web page at the top, found results at the bottom), a wealth of navigation functions and powered by OutWit data recognition technology, the program covers a broad range of needs, from searching business contacts in a company to building large databases on whole business sectors territories. The design of the application makes it accessible to anyone. With a single click on the exploration button, you can launch the scraping on hundreds of pages.

Grab & Export contacts to your applications

The contents extracted from a Web page are presented in an easy and visual way, without requiring any programming skills or advanced technical knowledge. Users can easily extract email addresses and, when available, Sourcer tries to associate phone, fax, toll free number, physical address, URL etc. to each email found. With Email Sourcer, you will grab this information from large series of pages without ever seeing the source code. Extracted data can be exported in a click to TXT, CSV, HTML, Excel or SQL databases.